Legends Parallel
There is much to ponder here in terms of thought-provoking issues of race, sexuality, culture and society's attitudes to history and relationships.

You want anthropological context and sociological commentary? This has jugs of it.

But, yeah... BOOBS.
- Zak Weber - Sci Fi Comics Nexus
Awesome work! Very well thought out and meticulously executed ... An all around magnificent ensemble of interesting material that captivates the reader and transports them to the inner workings of the Multi-Universe. - (Legends Parallel) could practically be the next "X-Men" for this generation.
- William Myers (author)
Legends Parallel has a bit of everything in it really; rich tech genius, meta humans with superpowers, and parallel universes. Most, if not all of these, are stand alone themes that can carry a book but McCormick and Jean have crafted a story that intertwines all of them together in a way that gives them all meaning to the story yet room to develop all aspects on their own terms. With the presence of a rich tech genius and parallel worlds it's easy to guess who the hero is and where the bad guys came from but the writing isn't predictable and the plot is intricate.
- Ian Yarington - Comic Booked Dot Com
Set in a universe where there are multiple Earths on parallel timelines, one force is vying to control and manipulate them all. Unfortunately for the heroes on the ground of these different worlds, they don't even seem to realize they're not alone.

With the direction of the story, it's clear they will soon enough and things are going to get interesting. There's definitely some setup for romance, family drama, lots of action, and potentially some multidimensional warfare. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes.
- David A. Byrne - Author's Blog
The comic is DEFINITELY for adults. Yes, for anyone who just took a time machine from the 1960's, adults read comics, too. As any comic for adults should be, this comic is grown and sexy.

It's cool how big of a team took a part in the making of this book, which proved to be weird and entertaining. Character wise? There are many. Well, there's Oshun, a sexy redheaded woman with seductive powers, Bes, a chubby cherub guy that looks like he's in his forties while wearing nothing but boxers and glasses, and Saifu, a businessman/scientist who is also a crimefighter (of course ... because what's weirder?), and an assortment of other characters, from the crimefighter's mother to a beautiful woman with metaphysical powers. The story is set in Chicago.
- Brian Barr - Comic Booked Dot Com
The art throughout the story is very well done; especially for an indie comic. Along with the art, the colors are pretty spot on, with the shading giving the characters a lot of depth in terms of perception. The artistic teams clearly knows how to draw people, buildings, and even a pretty realistic looking car. The artistic team clearly knows how to draw voluptuous black women!
- Tawmis Logue - Indie Comic Review
There is a lot going on here as we have a plethora of characters to introduce who will eventually intertwine with one another's universes. I absolutely love the concept of having multi-parallel universes with such deeply diverse and interesting origins. This will play out fantastically with so many yin and yang situations that will eventually develop. I also enjoy a good strong plot and we have one here with the Ms. Vin trying to take over all the worlds, with what I assume will create the Legends Parallel to unite and either join or defeat her.
- Manny Popoca - Pop Culture Review
Black Science Fiction Society - Three Stars!